This evening I scanned some photos of what the garden used to look like. Mainly from the mid to late 1990s, and I will add some more as I find them. Along with the other page links near the top of the screen.
History Page
Category Archives: Updates
Diary entries and news posts in text and pictures about what is going on in my garden.
Dahlia Photos
These were from last year and purchased from my favourite Ebay supplier Bulb1, (Garthwaite Nurseries). Click here to visit Bulb1
A Hellebore Arrives
I had to post this photo on Gardeners World to find out what this plant is called. I thought it was a snowdrop but now I can be quite proud that I am actually a Hellebore owner!
Late Summer. In October!
The garden is in full swing despite it being early October. Looking towards the left fence across my little Dahlia farm. On the other side of this fence was the horse paddock, later a tennis court, and now a house.
Many of the trees and shrubs this side of the fence are past their best and are coming down. So something else will need to take their place to get some privacy. I am not a big fan of Leylandii or Laurel so the thinking cap is firmly on.
Due to one thing or another, I planted the Dahlias out quite late and they are only really getting into full swing at this point. So just counting myself lucky that climate change seems to be keeping the Dahlias as well as the parakeets happy.
Dahlia Plantation September 2014
September 2014
Dahlias are out at last!
My Dad’s Boat
A lot of the conifers are now cleared and my Dad’s old boat is on full display.
Still July 2014
July 2014 and everything is growing full speed ahead, including the weeds. Everything is just down to maintenance at this stage.
Early July 2014
Montbretia getting taller on the rear bank and Dahlias lined up like little soldiers on the steps ready to get out in the soil.